Saturday, October 5, 2013

October is Going to be a Big Month!

It has been eight months since Procythian Reign was released with little fanfare and no advertising budget.  But things are changing.  The rust has begun to break loose and the wheels of progress are beginning to turn.

Reviews have started coming in, honest reviews.  My friends and family have always been supportive and complementary, but I could never see their opinions as unbiased.   Now, I am getting the opinions of bloggers and reviewers that I don’t know.  So far, it’s all good.

The Masquerade Crew is hosting a book blast for Procythian Reign.  We’re embroiled in their Cover Wars and Sci Fi Scavenger Hunt competitions.   There has been tons of new traffic and lots of new Twitter followers.  People are Tweeting about Procythian Reign and are excited about it!  I have found a couple of fans, and have chatted with people who are eager to read Procythian Reign.    

These fans have helped to inspire me (I’m talking about you Chris Dailey) to do some really cool promotions that will be coming up at the end of this month, but more about that later.  People are contacting me about the twists and turns of Procythian Reign.  They chat with me about their favorite character and things they hope to see in the sequel.  It’s a great feeling and really makes me hope that I’m on the right path.

My first public appearance as a writer will take place later this month.  I will be at the Necronomicon Convention here in Tampa from the 18th-20th signing copies of Procythian Reign and hosting a giveaway for autographed copies of The Proceena Crusade when it’s released.  I will be hosting another on-line giveaway for those who don’t live close enough to the Tampa Bay area to make it out.  I want to run them concurrently, but I have some logistic issues to work out.

And then, there’s The Proceena Crusade!  I have contracted the immensely talented Alvin Epps to begin designing a cover.  He did such an awesome job with Procythian Reign and I know it’s going to look great.  More importantly, I’ve had a breakthrough doing the rewrites.  I tend write in a general direction and lean on rewrites and editing to make my story the one I want.

In the case of The Proceena Crusade, I had a lot of specific issues to resolve.  I’ve fixed those problems and have begun to hammer it out into a story ready for polish.  I’m super happy with it and very excited to see the final product.  It’ll take a lot of doing, but I’d love to have it ready for release by my birthday in December.  We’ll keep our fingers crossed!

That’s all for now, but stay tuned.  More to follow!

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