Saturday, November 2, 2013

Report from Necronomicon, Part II

Here's some on-going coverage of Necronomicon 2013.  It was an awesome weekend, and I met some awesome people.  But I wanted to send a special shout-out to my best friend and wife Melanie Diaz for helping to make this a wonderful weekend even better! It was her birthday this week.  So, happy birthday, baby.  I'm such a lucky man to have you.  :-* 

As for rumors about her presence in Procythian Reign...I'll deal with them shortly.

Someone asked me if Leo was supposed to resemble me.  I don't see the resemblance.  Do you?

This is my lovely bride!  And for those of you wondering:  This woman... not this woman.  I've known my beautiful wife two-and-a-half years.  Laura is 12 years old.
 My very first sale and autograph.
 Mel sporting her Procythian Reign shirt!
Here she is visiting the TARTUS.

Laura Clabar and Leo Krisminski headed for the costume ball.
One last pic!
What an amazing time we had at Necronomicon! I can't wait to do it again next year! I'm also looking into other conventions, though none are yet confirmed.  I wanted to send a special thank-you to Duane of the Comic Club Inc. http//
Have a great weekend and I'll post again, soon.